ConceptGCC Installation

ConceptGCC Installation

Installing a Binary

ConceptGCC binaries are available for several common platforms. To install one of these binaries:

  1. Download the appropriate binary tarball for your platform, e.g., conceptgcc-version-platform.tar.bz2 and extract it from the root directory. You will need administrator privileges. Note that ConceptGCC installs into the directory /opt/conceptgcc-version. If you need to install into a different directory, you will have to build from sources.
        cd / && sudo tar jxf conceptgcc-version-platform.tar.bz2
  2. When using ConceptGCC, add its bin directory to your PATH and its lib directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
        export PATH=/opt/conceptgcc-version/bin:$PATH
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/conceptgcc-version/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Installing from Sources


The prerequisites for ConceptGCC are the same as for the version of GCC it is based on, e.g., GCC 4.3.0 for ConceptGCC 4.3.0 alpha N. We call attention to a few specific only to specific issues that have affected us.

  • Any ConceptGCC based on GCC 4.3 requires GMP and MPFR. See the GCC prerequisites page for more information. Both of these libraries are available for most operating systems:
    • Mac OS X: Using Fink, you can fink install libmpfr1 to get both MPFR and GMP. Note that you will need to add --with-mpfr=/sw to your configure line to tell ConceptGCC where to find this library.
    • Windows (using Cygwin): Install the libmpfr1 and libmpfr-devel packages
    • Linux: Most variants of Linux have mpfr or libmpfr packages that can easily be installed (and will automatically install GMP as well).
  • Mac OS X 10.4.x (Tiger) on MacBook (Pro) or with a G4 processor: You will need to pass the option --disable-multilib when configuring ConceptGCC.
  • Cygwin: You will need to pass the option --disable-bootstrap when configuring ConceptGCC.

Getting ConceptGCC

There are two ways to get the ConceptGCC source code. You can either download a complete source distribution of ConceptGCC as a tarball or retrieve it via Subversion.

  • If you download a complete source distribution of ConceptGCC, just untar it:
    tar jxf conceptgcc-version.tar.bz2
  • If you want to get the sources from our repository using Subversion, you can do so with one of the following commands:
    • To get the latest, unstable development version of ConceptGCC:
      svn co conceptgcc
    • To get a particular released version of ConceptGCC, e.g., conceptgcc-4.3.0-alpha-6:
      svn co

Configure, Build, Install

Configuration, building, and installation is the same as for GCC. Basic instructions are provided here, complete instructions can be found in the GCC web site.

  1. Create a build directory:
    cd ..
    mkdir conceptgcc-build
    cd conceptgcc-build
  2. Configure the compiler:
    ../conceptgcc-version/configure --program-transform-name='s/^g++$/conceptg++/' --prefix= --enable-languages=c++

    Some platforms and configurations may require additional configure flags. For example, Mac OS X with Fink installed requires two additional flags: --with-mpfr=/sw --with-libiconv-prefix=/usr

  3. Build and install the compiler (this may take a while):
    make install
  4. To compile with ConceptGCC, use the program conceptg++.

Contributing a Binary

Have you built ConceptGCC on a platform that we don't have a binary for? Please considering contributing a binary to help save others time!. To contribute a binary, build it with a configure line like the following:

  ../conceptgcc-version/configure --program-transform-name='s/^g++$/conceptg++/' --enable-languages=c++ --prefix=/opt/conceptgcc-version --disable-checking && make && make install 

Then tar and bzip2 the resulting /opt/conceptgcc-version and send a note to .