ConceptC++ Concept Web

Concept Integral

concept Integral<typename T>
  : DefaultConstructible, CopyConstructible,
    LessThanComparable, EqualityComparable {
  T::T(long long);
  T& operator++(T&);
  T operator++(T&, int);
  T& operator--(T&);
  T operator--(T&, int);
  T operator+(T);
  T operator+(T, T);
  T& operator+=(T&, T);
  T operator-(T, T);
  T& operator-=(T&, T);
  T operator*(T, T);
  T& operator*=(T&, T);
  T operator/(T, T);
  T& operator/=(T&, T);
  T operator%(T, T);
  T& operator%=(T&, T);
  T operator&(T, T);
  T& operator&=(T&, T);
  T operator|(T, T);
  T& operator|=(T&, T);
  T operator^(T, T);
  T& operator^=(T&, T);
  T operator<<(T, T);
  T& operator<<=(T&, T);
  T operator>>(T, T);
  T& operator>>=(T&, T);
  bool operator>(T, T);
  bool operator<=(T, T);
  bool operator>=(T, T);
  bool operator!=(T, T);
  requires Assignable, SameType<Assignable::result_type, T&>;

Where Defined

#include <concepts>


Concept Integral requires all of the operations available on built-in integral types.