Frequently Asked Questions:
General Information about Generic Programming

Table of contents:

  1. Isn't abstraction bad for performance?
  2. What is the best language for Generic Programming?
  3. I can already do Generic Programming in !

1. Isn't abstraction bad for performance?

No. Abstraction and performance are not diametrically opposed, although in many programming languages the mechanisms used for abstraction inhibit compiler optimizations. For instance, the use of C++ virtual functions, which support Object-Oriented abstractions, inhibit optimizations across function calls and can drastically affect performance. C++ templates, on the other hand, allow abstraction but resolve all calls at compile-time, enabling all of the compiler's optimizations.

Generic Programming focuses on careful use of abstractions, employing only those mechanisms that can be torn down by the compiler's optimizer. These mechanisms, many of which involve C++ templates, have allowed generic libraries such as the Matrix Template Library, Blitz++, and the Boost Graph Library to perform on par with hand-tuned Fortran codes.

2. What is the best language for Generic Programming?

Generic Programming is a paradigm that can be followed in many languages, both mainstream and academic. C++ is by far the most popular language for Generic Programming, owing to the success of the Standard Template Library and the flexibility of C++ templates. Haskell is also particularly well-suited for Generic Programming.

ConceptC++ and Jeremy Siek's G are both designed specifically with Generic Programming in mind. They are the only languages where concepts and models are directly expressed as compiler-supported language entities.

The following papers contain an extensive study of existing language support for Generic Programming:

  • Ronald Garcia, Jaakko Järvi, Andrew Lumsdaine, Jeremy Siek, and Jeremiah Willcock. An Extended Comparative Study of Language Support for Generic Programming. Journal of Functional Programming, 2006. Note: Accepted.
  • Ronald Garcia, Jaakko Järvi, Andrew Lumsdaine, Jeremy G. Siek, and Jeremiah Willcock. A Comparative Study of Language Support for Generic Programming. In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications (OOPSLA'03), October 2003.

3. I can already do Generic Programming in !

Many languages, especially those that inherently support some form of "generics", can be used to apply the Generic Programming paradigm. However, no production languages--mainstream or academic--provide all of the features needed to realize Generic Programming in a clean, simple way. The following papers contain an extensive study of existing language support for Generic Programming: